Tip #17: Attend the Parent Meetings.
Mark your calendars now:
- Thursday, October 8
- Tuesday, February 9
- Friday, May 6
Each lunch meeting starts promptly at 11:45 and concludes at 1pm. Location t.b.a.
These are not your typical PTA meetings.
We will not make administrative announcements.
We will not make pleas for donations and or ask you to sign up for volunteer work.
But we will feed you. Body, mind and soul.
These meetings are designed to be provocative, Socratic discussions around what it means to be on your own Hero’s Journey and how we can best support our children on their journeys. We will dive into curriculum topics and processes at Acton with big questions around their purpose and meaning.
Our hope is you will depart well fed, informed, courageous and inspired.
Our promise is your family’s learning journey will expand immeasurably by connecting more deeply with the other Acton parents – some of the most interesting, intelligent, curious and kind humans on this planet.